ALIWEB-Title: HyperDOC: The National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Description: The WWW server at the US National Library of Medicine (NLM). Contains information about this service, documents describing research and other activities at the NLM and pointers to a variety of online biomedical information servers.
Keywords: Library, History, Medicine, Images, Biotechnology, NLM, LHC, LHNCBC, UMLS, NCBI, USA, US
Title: HyperDOC: The National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Doctor Fun
Description: Norwegian cache for Dave Farley's daily Doctor Fun cartoon. Only the frontpage and the latest drawing (with thumb) is located here.
Keywords: Fun, DrFun
Title: Doctor Fun
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: EFF's Extended Guide To The Internet
Description: This is the latest version of EEGTTI served you through World Wide Web. The HTML version as well as full PostScript versions are available. Note that this guide was formerly named "Big Dummys Guide To The Internet". Due to copyright restrictions, this name is now prohibited for use by
Description: The Oslonett Marketplace is a commercial service (access is free!) where any potential information provider can use the Internet and the World Wide Web framework as an efficient advertising medium without violating AUP policies and general guidelines for proper Internet use.
ALIWEB-Title: Pointers to technical information on WWW related issues
Description: This document contains a lot of pointers to technical information of potential interest to any WWW developer and HTML author as well as system administrators who want to set up "secure" HTTP servers inside firewalls etc.
Description: The official GuideBook for the 1994 Lollapalooza concert. Look here for information on the bands, poets, political groups, and multi-media folk who will be performing and proselytizing at this year's festival.
Record-Last-Modified-Date: Wed, 11 Oct 95 14:08:47 -0700
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Shanti Bithi
Title: peace
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Welcome to Advertising Professionals Online
Admin-Name: Advertising Professionals Online
Description: Advertising Professionals Online: a collection of resumes and ad samples from a whole range of people working in and around the advertising world.
Title: Welcome to Advertising Professionals Online
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: KB7UV's Amateur Radio Resources
Admin-Name: Andrew Funk
Copyright: This document copyright 1995,6 Andrew R. Funk. Use for non-profit and education purposes explicitly granted. Use for non-commercial Amateur Radio purposes explicitly granted. In all cases you may freely use the URL of this document. Except for those writ
ten by me, I am not responsible for the content of pages which can be linked to from this page. (signed) Andrew R. Funk
Description: Collection of Amateur Radio links on the 'Net
Keywords: amateur, radio, ham, packet, rats, rose, KB7UV, ARRL
Record-Last-Modified-Date: Sat, 6 Jan 96 17:45:04 -0800
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Andrew Funk
Title: KB7UV's Amateur Radio Resources
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: About Andrew Funk, KB7UV
Admin-Name: Andrew Funk
Copyright: This document copyright 1995,6 Andrew R. Funk. Use for non-profit and education purposes explicitly granted. Use for non-commercial Amateur Radio purposes explicitly granted. In all cases you may freely use the URL of this document. Except for those writ
ten by me, I am not responsible for the content of pages which can be linked to from this page. (signed) Andrew R. Funk
Description: Personal Information page, with picture, links to resume, etc.
Record-Last-Modified-Date: Sat, 6 Jan 96 11:19:32 -0800
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Andrew Funk
Title: About Andrew Funk, KB7UV
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: ROSErver/PRMBS Packet Radio MailBox System
Admin-Name: Andrew Funk
Copyright: This document copyright 1995 Andrew R. Funk. Provided as a personal service to RATS and the Amateur Radio community. Use for non-profit and education purposes explicitly granted. Use for non-commercial Amateur Radio purposes explicitly granted.
In all cases you may freely use the URL of this document. Except for those written by me, I am not responsible for the content of pages which can be linked to from this page. (signed) Andrew R. Funk
Description: ROSErver/PRMBS is an advanced Packet Radio BBS written by Brian Riley, KA2BQE. This page provides information on PRMBS, an email link to KA2BQE, and a link to ftp the software.
ALIWEB-Title: Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society Home Page
Admin-Name: Andrew Funk
Copyright: This document copyright 1995,6 Andrew R. Funk. Provided as a personal service to RATS and the Amateur Radio community. Use for non-profit and education purposes explicitly granted. Use for non-commercial Amateur Radio purposes explicitly granted.
In all cases you may freely use the URL of this document. Except for those written by me, I am not responsible for the content of pages which can be linked to from this page. (signed) Andrew R. Funk
Description: Radio Amateur Telecommunictions Society (RATS) is one of the pioneering organizations in Packet Radio (digital networking over Amateur Radio). This page has links to ftp RATS Software, as well as other RATS and Packet Radio information.